Upper Bodylift
in Paris

Dr. Massimo Gianfermi is a leading specialist surgeon in the field of upper body lift plastic surgery in Paris.

What is the Upper Bodylift?

What is a UpperBodylift?

The upper body lift is a more recently developed procedure than the “classic” lower body lift.

The upper body lift aims to remove a band of skin measuring between 10 and 15 cm in height all around the body, at the bra strap.

The goal is to remove unsightly folds of skin under the arms and on the sides of the body, which are impossible to eliminate since there is not only excess fat, but also excess skin. And nothing can remove excess skin outside of Surgery.

So the scar is in the bra strap.

Upper Bodylift for whom?

The back may have unsightly and embarrassing bulges for clothing (bra).

Some patients are also bothered by submammary bulges, which cannot be corrected by abdominoplasty.

The upper body lift allows for the correction of both of these discomforts in one procedure. It is primarily intended for patients who have lost a lot of weight, either through dieting or after bariatric surgery (obesity surgery).

In case of back discomfort only, an upper back lift can be performed.

Upper body lift: coverage

There is no Social Security coverage for this procedure.

Details of the intervention

The first consultation

You will be able to explain your request to Dr. Gianfermi, who, after a detailed clinical examination, will explain the possible options, taking into account your wishes and your morphology, in order to propose a “made-to-measure” project that meets your expectations.

At the end of this first consultation, you will be given the information sheet regarding your procedure as well as a detailed estimate.

A 15-day reflection period is mandatory before any cosmetic surgery procedure.

The second consultation

The second procedure will allow you to ask any necessary questions, and to schedule the procedure. You will then sign an informed consent.

All that will remain is for you to make an appointment with the anesthesiologist whose contact information will be provided to you.

Preoperative recommendation

It is mandatory to stop smoking before any surgery (at least 1 month before). No anti-coagulant or anti-inflammatory treatment should be taken in the days preceding the operation.

Procedure regimen: 1-2 night hospitalization
Procedure time: 3-4 hours
Anesthesia: general anesthesia
Post-operative recovery: 3 to 7 days
Returning to social life: 4 weeks
Returning to strenuous physical activity: 8 to 10 weeks


The postoperative course is generally simple.

The first few days after the operation are usually marked by swelling, bruising and pain, which will be relieved by the prescribed painkillers.

A support garment will be worn permanently for 1 month, then 1 month during the day only.


One “complication” specific to the upper body lift deserves to be mentioned: scar enlargement.

While scars from body contouring surgery are almost in all cases destined to be fine and almost invisible after one or two years, regarding the upper body lift scar, scar enlargement is almost constant.

The scar may widen in some areas by a few millimeters to a centimeter at most. This is related to the considerable mechanical stress on this scar.

But keep in mind that this scar remains hidden in the bra, and that the effect on the figure between “before” and “after” is often spectacular.

Please feel free to consult with Dr. Gianfermi for more questions.

Request an appointment

Submit your appointment request and one of our patient care coordinators will contact you shortly.

29 avenue de Suffren
75007, Paris