Mapping your moles

Dr. Massimo Gianfermi is a specialist surgeon. He surrounds himself with leading dermatologists in the field of mole mapping in Paris.

Mapping your moles

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in France.

Melanoma is the most concerning form of skin cancer, and the number of newly diagnosed cases has increased over the past 40 years.

Some melanomas develop from existing moles, while others develop spontaneously.

Early detection is the key to a positive outcome.

Dr. Gianfermi and his team of dermatologists are proud to offer a mapping of all moles through FOTOFINDER technology, a state-of-the-art automated imaging technology designed to help identify early warning signs of skin cancer.

Diagnosing your moles

Through the Fotofinder technology

Traditional mole mapping is time-consuming and is usually only performed in clinics that specialize in pigmented lesions.

Some dermatology practices can take photographs of individual moles, but are not able to image the entire body.

The dermatologists on Dr. Gianfermi’s team use theFotofinder automated total body mapping system to quickly (in less than 6 minutes) take at least 30 very high-resolution digital photographs, which are then stored in the database of the connected computer. These photographs can be accurately duplicated at a later date (usually between 6 months and a year) and run through the FotoFinder computer algorithm, which analyzes each lesion and helps identify new or changed lesions, which may be a sign of skin cancer.
These comparative images will be used to help identify potentially dangerous lesions during a full-body skin examination.

In addition, if the patient wishes, they can receive a USB flash drive containing the images to help them self-examine at home.

How do I know if I should check my moles?

Everyone should be vigilant when it comes to skin cancer prevention.

Mole Mapping can be beneficial for a wide range of patients, especially if you have any of the following:
  • You have fair skin
  • Have a personal or family history of skin cancers
  • Have many moles and freckles
  • Have a history of severe sunburn resulting in blistering

Another way to know if you are a candidate for mole mapping is to know your skin cancer ABCs. Specifically, your ABCDE. These letters stand for:

A – Asymmetry.
B – Borders with blurred, jagged or irregular edges
C – Dissimilarity of colors
D – Diameter greater than a quarter inch
E – Evolution or change in size, shape, color, height or any other attribute

If your moles or areas of skin pigmentation match any of the ABCDE indicators, you are a good candidate for mole mapping.

Request an appointment

Submit your appointment request and one of our patient care coordinators will contact you shortly.


Get aDiagnosis

Early detection of skin cancers offers better chances of cure, particularly in the case of cutaneous melanomas.

In France, there is no organized screening program for skin cancers. Early detection therefore depends on your doctor’s initiative, or your own if you have spotted a potentially suspicious lesion (a sore that won’t heal, a pimple or crust that persists or evolves, a brown “spot”), or a mole that’s “different from the others”.

On average, 100,000 skin cancers are diagnosed every year

29 avenue de Suffren
75007, Paris